
Crabs Ahoy!

We came across these soft shell crabs yesterday at Whole Foods in Cambridge. These were caught live in Maryland and selling for $5.99 per crab, very simple to prepare as well. Pat Mr. Crab dry with a paper towel before dredging in a mixture of flour, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper. Cover the bottom of your frying pan with oil, once the oil reaches a medium high heat around 350f you’re good to go. The best part is it only takes 2-3 minutes per side. We served this po’boy style on some fresh bread, fresh lettuce, tarter and hot sauce. Mr. Crab had a nice crispy crunch with soft mild meat inside. This brought us back to a child hood vacation in Chesapeake Bay! Get them while you can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi, that's still looks a little too life like for my tastes!